Went out campaigning door to door in the Romulus portion of the district.  Visited homes between Van Born and Beverly, west of a gated community up to and including Fourth St.  A lot of nice homes on spacious lots with a couple of parks.  Plenty of trees and vegetation.

Fortunate to meet a few people on this early Sunday day enjoying a break in the heat.  Most folks that I spoke with were very open minded and pleasant.  

Last house I visited, I met a young man, originally from the area but now residing in the Lansing area.  Believe that he was an owner/operator of a flat bed truck.  We had a good discussion on the role of government and what it should be.  He noted how the trucking industry was adversely affected during the scamdemic and with this administration's installation of the Green New Deal on day one.  Told him that stopping government interference in business and in our lives would be a priority if sent to Lansing as a representative.

On non campaign doings last weekend was very busy.  On FRI, was fortunate to go on a tour of the WWII battleship, the USS New Jersey (BB 62), just before it left dry dock later this week.  My tour guide was a college classmate who has been a docent there for quite some time.  To see a vessel almost as big as an aircraft carrier or a Great Lakes ore carrier out of water was something else.  Got to see it from the keel to the bridge.

Also that weekend, spent 2 days as a shuttle driver at the Selfridge airshow.  Big crowds and exciting flight demonstrations.  There was also a lot of static displays as well as an entire section dedicated to STEAM.  Those exhibits covered everything from robots to astronomy.

Have been filling out countless surveys sent to me by different organizations.  Hopefully they will publish my answers to give you some insight to my positions on different issues.  Ballotpedia and League of Women Voters do make surveys available for public viewing.

Finally, began a three week, twice a week webinar series sponsored by the Mackinac Center.  They cover various topics relevant to the MI races.  This week they covered 7 principles of sound policy, education issues, energy issues, and housing issues.  They try to cover 2 topics in each hour session.  Good way to get up to speed on a broad range of topics.

Hope to get back out there after Fathers Day Weekend.  With that in mind, hope all the dads out there have a great weekend with family.

Got out there today.  First day in five months of taking the campaign to you.  Was good to see those of you who answered the door or who were out in your yard.  

Got the impression that a majority of you were not happy about what is happening in Lansing (or in DC).  Hope that we can work together to get the state and hopefully the nation back on track.  The government should only work on our behalf in areas we need them to be.  We do not need the all out intrusion into our personal lives.  

Unfortunately this means we must actively participate in making sure that we get the right people in office and that they do only what needs to be done.  There was one older couple that told me that they were leaving it in God's hands and that's why they didn't vote or get involved.  Because a lot of Christians have decided to not get involved, we find ourselves in such a morally challenging time.  If these folks had turned out, a lot of the ethically challenged grifters wouldn't have been elected.

Please, please, please do  your due diligence and get out and vote.  Get your friends, neighbors, and coworkers to vote as well.  Only an overwhelming turnout will defeat those who are out to maintain power and control for that totalitarian minded.

To steal a line from the Bachman Turner Overdrive song, let it be a warning of what is planned for this next Lansing legislative session.  Rumors are flying that the party in power, with its weak majority firmly established again with the APR special election, has 500 bills that it will jam through to continue the erosion of your liberty and freedom.

Here the start with a bill to nearly double the tax on short term leases for rental property.  Nothing improves business like increasing tax burden and record keeping.

From the MI Capitol Confidential.  A proposal in the Michigan Legislature would impose statewide regulations on short-term rental properties and increase their taxes. At least one local official says it’s unnecessary and would subject those properties to usurious tax rates. The Short Term Rental Regulation Act is one of several items in a package of bills, HB 5437-5446. Stays at short-term rental properties, as well as at hotel and motel rooms, are currently subject to a 6% use tax. If House Bill 5438 were passed, short-term rentals would also be subject to an additional 5% tax. Various state laws allow for an extra tax on commercial lodging establishments in specific municipalities, but not statewide. The House Fiscal Agency estimates that an additional 5% tax would cost rental owners and their guests $35 million to $70 million each year. The tax would apply to rooms rented for more than 14 days a year. Up to $1 million of the tax revenue collected would go to the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, or LARA. The rest would go to local governments. HB 5438 would also require short-term rental owners to register with LARA , which would create and maintain a database of short-term rentals. The bill also would impose various safety and disclosure requirements statewide. Booking platforms such as VRBO would have to pay an annual registration fee of up to $50,000. 

The party in power, specifically the Executive branch, destroyed small business during the scamdemic under the guise of public safety.  Now with the help of the legislative branch, they want to continue that practice with more business crushing bureaucracy.

Only you, the voter, can bring a stop to this.  You can try calling those in office and telling them to back down.  Good luck with that.  The only solution is to tear away their slim majority and put Lansing back in balance during the upcoming primary and general election.  All the rubber stampers for the state crushing agenda must be replaced.  

It's an urgent call to action to save the state.  Heed that call and act accordingly.  Get off your couch, grab your family and friends and get to the polls.  If someone says that they are not political, tell them that those in Lansing will affect their lives 24/7, from cradle to grave if they don't help put the right people in office.  Choosing not to get involved means you are dooming yourselves, your children, and their children to the continued Kalifornication of MI.  AND THAT, is not a good thing by any measure.

A letter published by the MI Conservative Coalition.  It's from a MI Senator about legislation going through "the process" in Lansing.Jim Runestad@RunWithRunestad

Michigan Democrats are terrified Biden will implode and drag them down. So today they bet the bank and went all out to codify election fraud into state statute with SB 603.Today they smashed through this gigantic pile of election-fraud-enabling legislation today with Democrat only votes.SB603 Repeals current law that gives authority to bipartisan county Boards of Canvassers to investigate fraud and other wrongdoing including ballot tampering during recounts.With the passage of their (election-fraud-enabling) Bill, there will be no future route for requesting a recount if you believe there was fraud.Under their corruption bill, candidates will be prohibited from requesting a recount if they suspect fraud and is designed to stop investigations of election fraud by the Board of Canvassers.This disgusting  bill will now permit clerks to recount ballots even if seals are broken on ballot containers and was essentially written by the Secretary of State who was reversed multiple times, by our Supreme Court for her illegal election decisions.The bill changes the standard for a candidate or party to petition for a recount of election results from alleging there has been “mistake or fraud” in the process to now only permitting alleging there has been an “error.”So even if the candidate or Party is absolutely convinced there was fraud, this cannot be alleged or investigated. To boot, this Democrat’s bill makes it tougher to do a recount by doubling the recount petition fees and making it a felony for 'interfering' with a recount without any clear definition of what that means to open up more “LAWFARE.”If passed as is, the language is changed to prohibit a recount, investigation or audit of the conduct of an election when fraud is alleged to only a determination of the number of votes cast for one candidate or another, or a ballot question.Lastly, the bill says a recount could not assess the qualification of the voters participating in an election, or the manner in which ballots are applied for, or issued to voters.Wow isn’t that a doozy. If illegals, or dead people, or those not registered in Mich. are voting, we cannot “assess the qualification of those voters or the manner in which those ballots were applied for and issued to these voters.” 

Just remember it's never about citizens, their welfare, or their rights and freedom.  It's always about power and control.  And the voters (who never fail to disappoint) have put people in Lansing who will ruthlessly do anything to make sure they remain in power and control.  In their minds, the end justifies the means.

It's past time to stop the Kalifornication of MI.  Only voters coming out in AUG and NOV can halt it and possibly get MI going in the correct direction.  Fight for the restoration and protection of your freedom and liberty as well as for your family, friends, and fellow Michiganders.  Fate of the state is in your hands if you do your part.

The election season with the AUG primary and NOV general election is about to begin. The need for a change of public servants grows stronger every day. Please start your due diligence so you can put the best candidates in office.

Voters in the 13th and 25th MI representative districts had a chance to stop the freedom and liberty destroying rampage in Lansing by eliminating the one party rule.  Unfortunately, in another case of MI voters never failing to disappoint, they did not.  Now MI will be subject to unchecked legislation for at least 9 months.  That's IF and ONLY IF, the voters don't do the same thing in the primary and general elections in AUG and NOV respectively.  

Folks whether you feel like you're vote doesn't count, it doesn't matter, or you're not into politics even though it will affect every aspect of your life if the politicians have their way, get out and vote.  Get family and friends to vote.  Only by doing your due diligence and then voting can we stop the erosion of freedom in this state.

I am preparing for the campaign.  Business cards and door hangers were ordered today in preparation of beginning the door to door challenge.

Special election tomorrow in the 25th and 13th MI representative districts.  Vote and get everyone you know to vote and help us to get Lansing BACK into public service and NOT party or agenda serving. 

On this TUE, 16 APR, voters in the neighboring 25th district have the opportunity to help stop the one party rampage in Lansing.  The district is having a special election to replace the former representative, Kevin Coleman, who was elected mayor of Westland. 

Josh Powell is running against a person who is pulling out all the stops and dirty trick with the aid of those outside the district and the state. The reason all that deceit and misinformation is rolling in?  If Josh takes the seat, the MI legislature becomes equally split between Rs and Ds meaning that the gavel must know be shared.  No more one party ramrodding of extreme, liberty stripping, legislation.  AND Dems NEVER want to give up power and control.

The district is composed of Westland, Wayne, and part of Canton.  If you know anyone living in that district, tell them what they as well as you must do.  Get out and vote!  That's the only way this madness is going to end.