04 May

A letter published by the MI Conservative Coalition.  It's from a MI Senator about legislation going through "the process" in Lansing.Jim Runestad@RunWithRunestad

Michigan Democrats are terrified Biden will implode and drag them down. So today they bet the bank and went all out to codify election fraud into state statute with SB 603.Today they smashed through this gigantic pile of election-fraud-enabling legislation today with Democrat only votes.SB603 Repeals current law that gives authority to bipartisan county Boards of Canvassers to investigate fraud and other wrongdoing including ballot tampering during recounts.With the passage of their (election-fraud-enabling) Bill, there will be no future route for requesting a recount if you believe there was fraud.Under their corruption bill, candidates will be prohibited from requesting a recount if they suspect fraud and is designed to stop investigations of election fraud by the Board of Canvassers.This disgusting  bill will now permit clerks to recount ballots even if seals are broken on ballot containers and was essentially written by the Secretary of State who was reversed multiple times, by our Supreme Court for her illegal election decisions.The bill changes the standard for a candidate or party to petition for a recount of election results from alleging there has been “mistake or fraud” in the process to now only permitting alleging there has been an “error.”So even if the candidate or Party is absolutely convinced there was fraud, this cannot be alleged or investigated. To boot, this Democrat’s bill makes it tougher to do a recount by doubling the recount petition fees and making it a felony for 'interfering' with a recount without any clear definition of what that means to open up more “LAWFARE.”If passed as is, the language is changed to prohibit a recount, investigation or audit of the conduct of an election when fraud is alleged to only a determination of the number of votes cast for one candidate or another, or a ballot question.Lastly, the bill says a recount could not assess the qualification of the voters participating in an election, or the manner in which ballots are applied for, or issued to voters.Wow isn’t that a doozy. If illegals, or dead people, or those not registered in Mich. are voting, we cannot “assess the qualification of those voters or the manner in which those ballots were applied for and issued to these voters.” 

Just remember it's never about citizens, their welfare, or their rights and freedom.  It's always about power and control.  And the voters (who never fail to disappoint) have put people in Lansing who will ruthlessly do anything to make sure they remain in power and control.  In their minds, the end justifies the means.

It's past time to stop the Kalifornication of MI.  Only voters coming out in AUG and NOV can halt it and possibly get MI going in the correct direction.  Fight for the restoration and protection of your freedom and liberty as well as for your family, friends, and fellow Michiganders.  Fate of the state is in your hands if you do your part.

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