28 Jul

Had this subject in discussion with a lady out in Westland yesterday.

Once those not committed to our freedom and liberty find a strategy that works, they will stick to it no matter the consequences.

The one of late is the Divide and Conquer tactic.  They seek to divide us by race, sex, religion, marital status, education, personal wealth, origin, culture, and even profession.  Why and how?

You need look now further than about 6 of the 7 deadly sins.  Their pride and their lust for money, power, and fame are their motivation.  Then they play on others greed and envy to fuel the hate necessary to create the giant divisions between everyone.

Then in the classic style of modern politics, they offer themselves as the solution to mend all the destruction and chaos that they caused.

It's as simple and as deluded as that.  Do not play in to their game.  Seek to remove them from office and replace them with true public servants.  The future depends on you to do your due diligence and vote smart.

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