05 Oct

Visited Garden City today on a cooler day.  Lots of folks working on their lawns.  Some were in full prep for the end of the season.  Others were just giving their lawns one of the few cuttings of the year.

Talked to quite a few folks beyond the usual campaign pitch.  Had a long conversation with a man who was very concerned about the direction of government on all levels from local to federal.  Hopes that the right candidates are voted in to get us back to where we should be.  Is doing his part to let others know what needs to be done.

Please be like him.  Get the word out that we need voters to send the best public servants into public office.  We need to set voter turnout records to overcome any attempts to manipulate the system.  There is so much at stake and it has been made so easy to vote.  THERE IS  NO VALID EXCUSE NOT TO VOTE FOR ANY ONE!

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